Jul 2018

Nunhems’ new Tomato Variety PROVINE

Nunhems’ new Tomato Variety PROVINE

"Nunhems' new Tomato Variety PROVINE


Filling the gap between large Truss and medium Truss"


With their new ‘Truss tomato’ or ‘Tomato on Vine’ (TOV) variety, Nunhems wants to fill the gap in fruit weight between the conventional large TOV and the medium TOV. Sebastiaan Breugem, Product Development Specialist: “The market had a demand for a somewhat finer large TOV. Provine (NUN 09196 TOF) * when cut has an average weight of 130 to 140 grams with which the growers offer a good alternative to the large TOV with an average fruit weight of 150 grams and the medium TOV with an average fruit weight of 110 grams.”

During the coffee break it was time to study the tomatoes


On Wednesday the 20th of June the breeding company officially introduced the new TOV in the mid-segment of large TOVs. Around twenty interested growers and traders dropped by at the Nunhems Tomato Centre located at tomato grower De Bakker Westland in Kwintsheul, the Netherlands. The results from the tests were examined and, in the greenhouse, a test for unlighted cultivation could be viewed.

Dutch grower, Roel de Bakker, Harm Ammerlaan and Ben Silvertand toasted to Provine


Early and high profits:


Despite a slightly lower fruit weight, Provine still has a high production rate. Jan Hanemaaijer, International Sales Specialist Tomato: "Until far into the summer, Provine has a production rate that, at the very least, is the same as the main variety and even a little higher. The variety is very generative, produces many flowers easily and has a good coloration. The trusses turn red a bit faster in comparison to the main variety, which means you can harvest 1 or 2 days sooner. To keep the tomatoes generative, you can truss prune to 6.”


The early production especially is a big plus in the new type. Sebastiaan: “Especially in the spring you notice you get paid well for the kilos that you harvest. The earliness of Provine can this way increase your profits. During experiments with unlighted cultivation, Provine proved to bring in 2.30 euros more per square meter till week 24 in comparison with the main variety, based on market prizes in 2018. In lighted cultivation growers appeared to be able to get 3.03 euros more per square meter till the 1st of April in comparison to the main variety TOV medium”.


Going into the greenhouse to study the ten trial rows from top to bottom.

Provine Neatly fills the crates and saves on labour


In his greenhouse, host and tomato grower Roel de Bakker has, between his main variety of large TOV, a test with ten rows of Provine. Without any special help the variety is doing great. Roel is positive about the variety: “The papers have not been signed yet but there is a big chance of that happening. Besides the nice coloration and great taste Provine stands out due to a clean and uniform truss build. The trusses of 6 fruits fit per 6 neatly in a crate of 5 kilos. That is good for presentation but also saves in labour.”

To read more on PROVINE, click on the link below.



To order seed and learn more about PROVINE contact Paula O’Hanlon from Nunhems vegetable seeds. This is a new variety with fantastic potential for New Zealand growers.


Mobile NZ:  021 731 009

Mobile International: +64 21 731 009

E-mail:  paula.ohanlon@bayer.com

Web:    http://www.bayer.co.nz




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