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Sep 2021
Lefroy Valley offers a wide range of leafy greens and reds!

The best products for your requirements
Whether you are growing Lettuce, Herbs, Chinese Greens or Microgreens in your greenhouse, Lefroy Valley have a wide range and many different styles and concepts on offer. A selection of our lettuce:
Themes is one of our more popular little gem Cos lettuce, a stand out with its exceptional colour, ease of processing with good leaf separation, and luxurious mouth feel from smooth butter type leaves.
Above – Themes (left) Juniper (centre) Red Epicure (right)
Juniper is a very uniform green oakleaf type which consists of an upright and compact head shape making it easy to harvest. It is also strong against internal tipburn and slow bolting. Pair it with Red Epicure a double red oak with a nice green contrast and provides a full voluminous head for a great combo.
A good range of multileaf (cut and come again) or giving great processability from cut once, are found in the Multired, Multigreen and Multiblond range.
Above – Multired 4 (left) & Multired 98 (Right)
Multired 4 and Multired 98 provide dark red colour, are strong against tip burn and high yield.
Above Multired 80 (left) Multigreen 101 (centre) Multiblond 110 (right)
Multired 80 has a tango type multileaf providing exceptional colour and a good contrast in a lettuce leaf mix. For a deep green look at Multigreen 101 and Multiblond 110 as a light green contrast. Mix all together for a wonderful blend of similar leaf shapes and a great colour range.
Paula O’Hanlon (021 731 009) and Janine Grul (0274 438 024) can help find varietal solutions and support you in finding the best product for your requirements. Lefroy also has a comprehensive Catalogue available online through their website.
Download Seed Catalogues – Lefroy Valley Quality Seeds New Zealand
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