Sep 2018

Brave the Shave

Brave the Shave

Update! So far Sharma has reached $ 25,000+.  Well done Sharma, and lets hope you get some more money raised before you 'Brave the Shave'. Congratulations.


Help Sharma raise money for Cancer research

Last week Raj Sharma emailed me, along with other growers and suppliers, to ask if we would support him in his efforts to raise money for the Cancer Foundation.  Raj is going to shave his hair for the fundraiser.  Cancer is a terrible disease and has touched so many in our industry.

“The reason I've wanted to fundraise is simple. Over the course of 5 years, many of my relatives such as my brothers, mother-in-law, various relatives and close friends in New Zealand and abroad have been lost due to cancer. During the struggle with cancer, I saw some of the strongest people lose their confidence, courage and willpower. Truth is, I don’t want to see anyone else go through such an ordeal like that. That is why with the help of my community I want to raise money to help end cancer once and for all!” Raj Sharma.

So far, in total Raj has raised over $19,500 and hopefully with the help of Grower2Grower readers we can help Sharma in his goal to raise over $25,000.

Raj Sharma, is a well-respected and liked grower, this is reflected by the generous donations received so far.  A special mention needs to go to WPC (Waste Petroleum Combustion) and Vigour Seeds who have both made substantial contributions. Donations go towards vital scientific research into the causes and treatment of all types of cancer. 

Cancer affects 1 in 3 people, during their lifetime. It touches each and every one of us in some way.  Next February is the tenth anniversary of my dear Dad’s extremely sad death attributed to asbestos.  My family and I had to watch my Dad (Joe) endure eleven months of suffering.  My wife’s Aunty passed two years ago, after a nine-year battle with ovarian cancer. It is so sad to watch someone you love fight so hard but to still lose the battle.

Congratulations Raj and thank you.  Raj you reflect the following saying: “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice” my dance teacher, Colleen Stuart, who passed from brain cancer, used to say this to me when I was young. This has become the Grower2grower moto.

If you would like to donate and follow Raj’s fundraising progress click on the link below;



I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment below or on the grower2grower Facebook page:


Article Written by Stefan Vogrincic, Consultant, Grower2Grower


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