
To measure is to know

CARA MET gives growers insight into the root zone


Growers today can use cameras and sensors to take all kinds of measurements in the greenhouse – but the root zone often remains unknown territory. SenseNL is now casting light on this, however, with technology that gives growers insight into exactly what’s happening in the soil or substrate.

It all started fifteen years ago, when Winelis Kavelaars set up the company SOWNet, specialising in wireless sensor networks, now known as the IoT (Internet of Things). In fact, Winelis further developed the technology of Professor Max Hilhorst, who was the first to produce sensors for measuring water content, EC and temperature – and SenseNL was established. Bonny Heeren, who himself has extensive experience in horticulture worldwide, saw the potential of the sensors and stepped in to take care of the marketing.



The name of the sensor that gives growers this insight into the root zone is CARA MET. If this sounds familiar, it could be because this sensor was used by the winning team in the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge (together with LetsGrow and Hoogendoorn), to further develop the LetsGrow algorithm for optimising irrigation.



Ideal for many situations

The SenseNL platform is not tied to any specific climate computer or substrate. ‘So we don’t exclude anyone,’ says Bonny. The sensor has currently been calibrated for stone wool and can be used in substrate slabs produced by all manufacturers. ‘But calibration for coco is taking place as we speak, and this will be finished by the end of October. We’re also working on a sensor for plants in containers, the “pot sensor” as it’s called. And after that we’ll be introducing the open-soil sensor.’

The sensors can be linked to a climate computer. ‘But we also have our own platform where you can read out the data,’ continues Bonny. ‘We use Amazon’s AWS Cloud environment, so the platform can be professionally upscaled, even with large numbers of sensors. We also use the Ericsson IoT accelerator platform to monitor the sensors and data communication.’



More reliable measurements

SenseNL’s technology is popular not only in horticulture but also in the geotechnical research sector. This is because it can measure the higher EC values, which is also one of the big advantages for horticulture. ‘The present generation of sensors can measure reliably up to an EC of 3,’ says Bonny. ‘This may have been enough in the 1990s, but with current varieties, especially in tomatoes, the EC values can sometimes be as high as 12.’

Winelis explains how SenseNL achieves this. ‘A sensor measures both permittivity and conductivity in order to determine the moisture content, EC and temperature. These two parameters are linked, which makes it difficult to measure moisture content at higher EC values. The present technology uses both of them together, but the R&D team at SenseNL has found a way to separate this dependency on each other, allowing you to obtain more reliable measurements in the higher ECs. On top of that they’ve also developed an algorithm to refine this even more. That’s why we have such a unique sensor.’



To measure is to know

Although it may be a cliché, like most clichés it’s actually true: to measure is to know. SenseNL offers technology that enables growers to both take measurements and reliably read out the information. ‘In addition to sending the data over longer distances, we can also provide two-way traffic,’ explains Bonny. ‘So you can not only receive information from the sensor but also update the sensor remotely, if necessary. Growers require information from the root zone, and to obtain reliable information you need to have multiple measuring points, because nothing in the greenhouse is 100% uniform: drippers, substrate, plants and so on. When you have a clearer picture of where your weaknesses are, you can make better use of “precision growing” than if you only have one measuring point. To achieve this, SenseNL applies the motto: not 1 sensor per 10 hectares, but 10 sensors per 1 hectare.’

These new, more reliable insights into the root environment obtained using the wireless CARA MET sensor ultimately make it possible for growers to truly automate their irrigation, potentially as part of the ‘autonomous growing’ principle.


To learn more about Caramet contact: 


Kevin Oei

Product owner CARA MET sensor

Web –

E-mail –

Ph +31 (0)85 876 89 09



Seeds Technical

Agronomic Spotlight

Understanding Flowering Habits In Cucumbers


  1. Cucumber varieties are either monoecious or gynoecious in their flowering patterns.
  2. Gynoecious varieties produce only female flowers and have a more concentrated period of fruit production.
  3. There are also parthenocarpic varieties that do not need to be pollinated to produce fruit.

Cucumbers, like most cucurbit plants, produce separate male and female flowers on the same plant (Figure 1).  In botanical terms, these plants are said to be monoecious (translation, one-house).  On monoecious plants, the male flower contains stamens that produce pollen, while female flowers have pistils that contain the ovule.  By contrast, plants, such as tomatoes and beans, produce “perfect” flowers that have both male and female parts present in the same flower.

Both male and female structures need to be present so that the pollen from the male flowers can fertilise the ovules in the female flowers to produce viable seed.  Cucumber pollen is produced in a sicky mass and is not windblown.  Hence, pollination requires the activity of insects that move pollen from make to female flowers, with bees being the most common pollinators.  Once pollen has been deposited on the female flower, the pollen grains germinate and grow down the pollen-tubes to reach the ovules, where fertilisation takes place.

As the fertilised ovules develop, hormones are released that stimulate the division and expansion of fruit cells.  The development of cucumber fruit usually depends on the presence of an adequate number of fertilised seed within the developing fruit.  Without enough fertilised seed, the fruit either aborts or becomes misshapen (Figure 2).¹

While wild-type cucumbers and older cucumber varieties are monoecious, cucumber varieties today can have flowering patterns that are monoecious or gynoecious.  In this context, the term monoecious refers to having both male and female flowers on the same plant in about equal numbers.  Gynoecious cucumber plants, however, produce only female flowers.  A cucumber plant that produces mostly female flowers but a few male flowers is called predominantly female, often designated as PF.




Most older varieties of cucumber are monoecious, often producing more male than female flowers.  The male flowers typically develop on the main stem earlier and in larger numbers than female flowers.²  This may be concerning to some, as the plants appear to be only producing male flowers, but the female flowers will start to develop a little later, so that when they are ready to be pollinated, viable pollen will already be present.

Environmental factors can affect the proportion of male to female flowers.¹  For example, plant density can affect the number of female flowers.  At higher densities, plants compete for water, nutrients, and sunlight, and the resulting stress can lead to a higher proportion of male flowers.  Optimum populations for hand-picked slicing cucumbers are in the range of 24,000 to 26,000 plants per acre.  A range of 26,000 to 30,000 plants per acre is recommended for hand-picked pickling cucumbers and a range of 45,000 to 65,000 for machine-harvested pickling cucumber.  Other stresses, such as damage from insects or blowing soil, low light intensities, or water stress, can result in the production of fewer female flowers.¹  The proportion of male to female flowers is also influenced by temperature, with higher temperatures (86ºF and above) promoting maleness and lower temperatures (60ºF and below) promoting femaleness.  At low temperatures, there may not be enough male flowers to adequately pollinate the crop, while at high temperatures, there may not be enough female flowers to produce the desired number of fruit.



Many modern cucumber hybrids are gynoecious.²  Gynoecious varieties produce large numbers of female flowers and have a fairly concentrated flowering period.  Thus, they produce a lot of fruit over a relatively short amount of time.  This concentrated fruit production works well in mechanical harvest systems that harvest only once or in multi-pick systems with small harvest windows or the need to rotate to another crop quickly.  In contrast, the flowering periods of monoecious varieties are usually more spread-out.  Over the course of the season, monoecious varieties will produce about the same number of fruit per plant, but the fruit production will occur over a longer time period and require several pickings.  This extended fruiting period may work better for growers who desire sustained production over a longer period to supply sales at farmer’s markets or home gardens.

The female flowers of gynoecious varieties will still need to be fertilised with pollen from male flowers, so a certain percentage of monoecious plants neem to be planted along with the gynoecious plants to serve as pollinisers.  Most seed companies provide cucumber seed blends that contain 85% to 90% gynoecious seed and 10% to 15% monoecious seed.  These blends ensure that the optimal proportion of male to female flowers are present in a planting, resulting in good pollination levels and high fruit yields.



In addition to gynoecious and monoecious varieties, there is also a third type of cucumber variety, parthenocarpic varieties.  Unlike the gynoecious and monoecious varieties, which require pollination to produce fruit, parthenocarpic varieties produce fruit without the need for pollination.

Parthenocarpic varieties are seedless. Or nearly so (Figure 3), and the fruit develops in the absence of fertilised seed.   These varieties can produce seed if pollinated.  Therefore, parthenocarpic varieties should be spatially isolated from other types of cucumbers to keep the fruit seedless.³

Because parthenocarpic do not produce large numbers of seed, even when pollinated, the cost of seed production is high, and the seed of these varieties is typically more expensive than the seed of other varieties.4






1 Schultheis, J., Averre, C., Boyette, M., Estes, E., Homles, G., Monks, D., and Sorensen, K. 216.  Commercial production of pickling and slicing cucumbers in North Carolina.  North Carolina State Cooperative Extension.  AG-552.

2 Orzolek, D., Kime, L., Bogash, S., and Harpe, J. 2010. Cucumber production.  Penn State Extension.  Agriculture Alternatives. UA463.

3 Wyenandt, A., Kuhar, T., Hamilton, G., VenGessel, M., and Sanchez, E. 2016-2017 Mid-Atlantic commercial vegetable production recommendations.

4 Fanourakis, N. and Tzifaki, E. 1992. Some relationships of seed production with parthenocarpy and relative humidity in the cucumber.  Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 15:11-12.


For additional agronomic information, please contact your local seed representative.  Developed in partnership with Technology, Development & Agronomy by Monsanto.

Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year.  This result may nit be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary.  Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible.  The recommendations in this article are based upon information obtained from the cited sources and should be used as a quick reference for information about cucumber production.  The content of this article should not be substituted for the professional opinion of a producer, grower agronomist, pathologist, and similar professional dealing with this specific crop.


Seminis® is a registered trademark of Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc.  All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.  ©2017 Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc.


To learn more about this article contact:


Marco Lozada

De Ruiter Business Manager

Bayer Vegetables New Zealand




Bayer New Zealand Ltd

Vegetable Seeds Division

704 Harrisville Road,

Pukekohe RD2 2677

Tel: +64 09 239 0666

Mobile: +64 27 222 2432


Web: I



Integrated Pest Management Supporting Services

Scouting solution saves hours of data entry time and improves crop health 

BumperCrop introduces another affordable tool for greenhouses 


A new solution is saving scouting teams hours of data collection work each week, and is freeing up time to focus on achieving healthier crops. Introduced by BumperCrop, this system simplifies data collection and improves communication with a precisely designed interface, a scouting heatmap and incorporates the use of scannable tags. The system has been designed and tested over the past year in conjunction with one of New Zealand’s leading greenhouse producers, NZ Gourmet.


“Preparing concise and comprehensive reports is key to successful pest and disease control. By using this user-friendly App to record and identify problems on crops, we can save time and have better communication with management and other pest control technicians.” explains Hamzeh Ghasemi, Biocontrol Technician at Gourmet Waiuku.


Above: Hamzeh Ghasemi using the BumperCrop Scouting App to scan a tag and begin scouting the row.


Prior to using BumperCrop’s system, NZ Gourmet was recording scouting data using a custom designed Excel workbook on a tablet. By switching to a purpose-built solution whereby row tags are scanned, the steps to input data are able to be minimised, Gourmet Waiuku can now save an additional 2-3 hours a week of labour across 2 scouting staff. The time taken for data entry relating to one issue on a 85m capsicum row is now only 10-15 seconds. “Handling a compact mobile device is easier than a tablet and much better than using pen and paper. I have tried all options during three years of work as a biocontrol technician and found this to be the best.” says Hamzeh.


Reports are automatic and are separated from data collection, which enables  their format to be optimized for review and decision making. “Having neat and standardized reports helps to save time when compared to the old way.” continues Hamzeh. 


Above: heatmap displaying severity level of Thrips for each row and pole


A heatmap overview of each greenhouse allows managers to see the status of pests and diseases in each row and pole and how these have changed over time. This results in better pest and disease control decision making and related outcomes. “Scouting reports now arrive automatically in my inbox and are in the precise format that I need to make accurate assessments and decisions” according to Roelf Schreuder, Director of Covered Crops for NZ Gourmet.


Time that is saved by improved data entry, reporting and expedited decision making can now be put towards achieving  healthier crops. Crop scouting can be divided into the three steps of identification, marking, and recording data. “We prefer to invest more time on identification of problems on crops and less time on data collection. So, using a system with more time efficiency helps us to achieve a healthier crop.” concludes Hamzeh.


For more information:



Greenhouse News Shading Supporting Services

AntiReflect Coatings for NZ?

Higher Production Under AntiReflect


Growers in New Zealand, producing flowers or vegetable crops in glasshouses, have the advantage of more direct sunlight penetrating their crops compared to plastic structures.  For newer builds there is the option of purchasing glass with anti-reflect coatings but for the bulk of glasshouses in New Zealand this is not the case.  Redusystems has developed an anti-reflect coating.  Growers in Europe, that are using this coating, are already seeing higher production as more light is entering their greenhouses.


What does Anti-Reflective mean:

An antireflective or anti-reflection coating is a type of optical coating applied to the surface of lenses, and other optical elements, to reduce reflection. In typical imaging systems, this improves the efficiency since less light is lost due to reflection. (Source Wikipedia)

(In other words, if you don’t have antireflection glass on your greenhouse then some light reflects off the glass, therefore reducing plant growth/production potential under un-treated glass.)

Below is an article and link offering more information on this recently developed Redusystem product.  I am not aware of many growers using this product in New Zealand but it is certainly a development that may be worth investigating. (Stefan Vogrincic)



Practical Tests Confirm Higher Production Under AntiReflect.

The first growers to use the new AntiReflect coating are seeing higher production as more light is entering their greenhouses. AntiReflect is being launched commercially this year.

After many years of development and testing, Mardenkro is this fall launching its revolutionary coating which reduces reflection off the greenhouse roof. This new product brings more than 3% more light into the greenhouse all year round. The coating can be applied to any existing glass greenhouse, thus putting antireflection within reach of every grower.



Prior to the launch, several nurseries tested the coating at their nurseries last winter and spring. These practical tests confirm the increase in production, model calculations by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) reveal.

Using the Intkam crop model, the WUR researchers measured how well vegetable and ornamental crops were able to convert the additional incoming light into production. The result in tomato (standard cultivation) and sweet pepper was an increase of around 3%, with more than 5% in cucumber (2 crops per year). Production in rose and gerbera was up by more than 2.5% and by more than 3% in chrysanthemum. The calculations in ornamental crops took account of the assimilation lighting used.



A proportion of sunlight is lost due to reflection off a greenhouse roof with standard glass and therefore cannot be converted into production. This reflection can be prevented with AR glass, but that is only an option in a new build. For existing glass greenhouses, AntiReflect works just as well – in fact, the coating scores even better in some respects. It is dirt-repellent, so less dirt adheres to the coated greenhouse roof than to standard glass. This feature can boost light gain in the greenhouse.

In the Light Lab at WUR, measurements and calculations were performed using the Raypro model to determine transmission at all angles of incidence. This is important because every additional percent of light counts in the darker months, when the sun shines in at a low angle for most of the day. According to this research, transmission is always between 3 and 4 percent higher than on uncoated glass over a large trajectory – from 0° to around 70°. The researchers concluded that the light gain is constant in all months. Besides PAR light, transmission of infrared light also increases, albeit to a lesser extent.



AntiReflect can be left on the greenhouse roof all year round and lasts for at least a year. Other coatings such as ReduFuse and ReduHeat can be applied on top with no performance loss. When these coatings are removed at the end of the season, the AR function of the coating underneath remains intact.



The amount of transmission depends mainly on the thickness of the coating. So Mardenkro has liaised with contractors to produce work instructions for applying a very even layer on a clean greenhouse roof. This can only be done mechanically. Some of these companies were involved in the trial phase and are fully aware of the level of care required, while others will have to carry out tests themselves to achieve the best result.
AntiReflect is only available as a ready-to-use formulation, so it is impossible to get the dose wrong.

To avoid damaging the coating, no fluoride-based cleaning products should be used on it. When removing a coating applied on top (such as ReduFuse or ReduHeat) with ReduClean, it is important to allow it to be washed off by rain and not to immediately remove it with a roof washer.
Exercising care at all times will ensure an effective coating that performs well and generates gains for the grower all year round.

Article content supplied by REDUSYSTEMS:

Contact your local Horticentre branch for RedySystems products


Check out the below related Mardenkro video


Events/Announcements Greenhouse News

GreenTech report

Promoting Greenhouse Horticulture


GreenTech a well-recognised, international greenhouse horticulture trade show was held in Amsterdam at the end of last month.  I have never been, so am envious of those that attended.  Nor will I ever take a trade show for granted again!

Green-Tech was one of the first major horticulture events held since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Right now, it seems a distant dream to attend such events in person (from this side of the world) again but the next best thing is the fantastic work, by organisers, to use media links to share the event via website and social media.

The greenhouse industry, in particular the technology advances, is moving so quickly it is hard to keep abreast of what could benefit and be integrated into structures already constructed. 

Even if not many of the technologies are yet applicable to our systems it is well worth investigating if they could in the future.  One of the exhibitor’s news I did find interesting was the PhytlSigns, Vivent’s plant health diagnostic technology.  See below the YouTube video and brief product description.



PhytlSigns, Vivent’s plant health diagnostic technology, uses artificial intelligence to decipher internal plant signals and provides plant health insights and diagnoses pathogens and pests, including root conditions, long before visible symptoms. Unlike many other plant monitoring solutions, PhytlSigns also sees what is happening in the roots.




Robotics and automation I follow with interest. I have been monitoring the development of one particular technology called the Kompano de-leafing robot.   At GreenTech Priva announced the commercialisation of the robot.  With 85% effectiveness it may be well worth NZ growers investigating this opportunity

So pleased and incredibly proud to introduce the world's first autonomous deleafing robot Priva Kompano. We are ready to launch September 28th during the Greentech in Amsterdam. Grateful to our dedicated Priva Kompano team, involved growers and expert engineers at MTA Group. No matter the challenges, they kept believing, dared to fail and made it happen! An amazing milestone in the history of greenhouse farming (Meiny Prins CEO Priva)


Above image of the new deleafing robot from Priva – Kompano


To find out more about international innovations and the GreenTech Events and news click on the link below

A familiar face to many NZ growers holding the microphone during a group session – Sonny Moerenhout of Cultivators.



Article compiled by Stefan Vogrincic

All Article’s checked and edited by Marie Vogrincic

I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment on the grower2grower Facebook page:


Too Much Vigour?

Some tips for growing a young tomato crop in October and November


Many years ago, I planted a tomato crop during early November, at the time thinking how easy it was going to be – it was the total opposite.  It was the single hardest crop I ever grew.  Traditionally I planted around the shortest day and very much underestimated the value of light on a young crop – I have learnt a lot since then and now have many more tools in my toolbox, but at the time I struggled.


October-November is almost the perfect time to grow with increasing light levels and good natural temperatures.  The issue I had was controlling the balance of the plant.  I grappled to control the rapid and strong vegetative growth, I used temperature and irrigation manipulation, to what I thought was appropriate, but in hindsight I could’ve pushed the plant a lot harder. 


Heating a greenhouse in October-November sufficiently, for a new crop, is a really hard thing to do as you know when the produce is first harvested it will not cover the costs of heating – but you also know if you don’t heat during this period the plant could go vegetative, causing huge issues with plant health from May onwards.  In contrast if you decided to strangle the water application to the plants you could also cause irreversible root damage- so the balance is tricky to get your head around heating and irrigating appropriately to keep your plant in balance but also not cause long term issues. 


During a recent visit to a newly planted tomato crop, it was apparent that changing direction could occur daily.  From one day to the next the plant can build up huge energy levels, if too much water and not enough temperature are achieved then overnight a vegetative (fat stem) will transform a young crop.  It is important, during this critical stage, to record the growth of the plants more than once a week or until a decent sink (example, fourth or fifth truss is set), you must be able to either decrease the water, without causing root damage, or increase the temperature to keep the plant in balance.  Removal of the leaf panels is also crucial to control the balance in this period.


If you are intending on growing a long crop, planted during October or November, then the first two meters of the stem is critical for plant longevity.  For the crop I visited it was not of high significance as the crop has been planned as a short crop, however, it is still advantageous to grow this plant as balanced as possible to get those extra trusses set.  In this particular scenario I would use the sun to increase 24-hour temperature, especially if the heat source is not an option.


Unlike the winter when young plants grow slower, due to low light, you have time to make adjustments.  With new crops planted in high light, from December onwards, I find it much easier to control the plant as the natural temperature and light allows you to build a fruit load quickly.   The root systems will be much younger heading into the autumn/winter so you may be inclined to be more aggressive than in the spring.  (Note – For glasshouses, I advise a shade coating be applied for crops planted in December-February until the third or fourth truss is set, then remove the coating).


So even though it may seem a walk in the park, planting a commercial crop during October and November is tricky and I will always draw on experience and previous errors to keep me on my toes.


Article written and compiled by Stefan Vogrincic

All Article’s checked and edited by Marie Vogrincic

I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment on the grower2grower Facebook page:


Autonomous Greenhouse Growing is a Reality

Growers’ roles will change



Recent autonomous greenhouse challenges have proven to be very interesting with the ‘non growers’ coming out on top.  It is a reminder how the industry is evolving and plants could be grown autonomously.


This may cause some concerns for growers but it really excites me.  I view this as an opportunity for any grower to concentrate on the day to day running of the operation without necessarily being bogged down analysing data.   Instead of making experienced, informed but never the less ‘gut instinct’ decisions, growing of the plants could be made by an autonomous programme.  As a grower or advisor, you form opinions and figure out what a balanced plant should looks like.  However, we are mostly reactive to a plant showing signs of strength and weakness by altering temperatures, humidity, irrigation settings and fruit load.   There is still planning, I always analyse the current balance of any crop and use this to advise on future fruit loading for instance but it is not an exact science.


A real time example is temperature – if you have a very sunny day, you may wish to increase 24-hour temperature and conversely less if the weather is poor.  Manually changing the temperatures is possible but the setpoints we use are from experience rather than exactly what is required for ‘real time’ optimum growth.  Even though there are already computer systems that can increase or decrease temperature, if certain light levels are reached, these are fixed settings and require manual changes/inputs.  Imagine if every day your temperature achieved matched the exact light levels and if the plant still exceeded growth targets, which were automatically and real time observed via cameras, then the temperature was altered automatically to reach that growth and production optimisation. 


I find the possibilities are mind boggling.  You may think – ‘hang on this guy is going to do himself out of a job’, this may be true but you cannot stop progress and the ever-increasing requirement for sustainability, which in this case is making sure every resource you have is used to its optimum.   If I was using too much temperature, wasting fertiliser or any other precious resource I would want to know, wouldn’t you?  It can only be better for the environment, the consumer and your back pocket.


It may be possible that the grower (operator) of your business is sitting in an office on the other side the world analysing data and making alterations to your crops if necessary.  These specialised growers/advisors will probably also send you a work schedule or they may even programme your automatic de-leafing machines to remove foliage when necessary.  Those robots may even be integrated with the programme that when the plant reaches a certain leaf area index they start working instantly, yes even on a Sunday.


I think there will always be a need for onsite-growers but their roles may change to a manager/organisational role.  Below is a link to the GreenTech website on Autonomous growing in the future.  It is well worth viewing.


Article written and compiled by Stefan Vogrincic

All Article’s checked and edited by Marie Vogrincic

I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment on the grower2grower Facebook page:




Greenhouse News

Shipping Delays and Price Increases

Gains offset by rising costs


The good news:

It is fair to assume growers, supplying greenhouse vegetables into the wholesale markets, have achieved higher returns than what may have been expected.   As we inch closer to labour weekend prices are usually already on a decline as volumes increase due to the natural light and temperature inclines.   In the supermarket, prices of some produce have stayed higher, than I have observed, for the same periods in past years.  This indicates to me that volumes are lower than expected as an industry whole.   Other factors, including food service reopening, due to easing of covid-19 restrictions, may have contributed to high prices being maintained. 


The not so good news:

As an industry we depend heavily on materials that can only be supplied from international manufacturers.  The two big ticket items, that require substantial container space, are substrates and fertilisers.  There are many other items, such as clips, acids, hygiene products and chemicals (the list could go on) that are also critical.  Talking with growers from both the North and South Islands there are three major issues:


  1. The increase cost of transporting the product.
  2. Containers arriving on time and to the correct ports.
  3. The general cost increase of the products.


All three of the above are significant and will, in my opinion, almost gobble up any gains achieved until some key issues are addressed.


  1. That shipping costs have gone up astronomically since the beginning of Covid, this is understandable with the delays and factors totally out of the control of any grower.   The price of containers has increased approximately 3-4 times pre covid prices.  My question is “Is this the new normal?” or with the world re-opening and countries managing to live with covid – will the prices ever go back to pre-covid times? The additional cost of shipping only increases the cost of production, which means the people to ultimately pay the price will be the end consumer.
  2. Containers arriving months later than expected, sometimes to different ports, nowhere near the usual destination, has created additional and unexpected transport costs for businesses.   When I was working with importing substrates the idea was to allow a minimum of four months from ordering to ensure on time delivery.  I would say you now need to consider ordering your product at least eight months, if not a year, in advance.
  3. There is also most certainly going to be a sharp increase in the price of raw products that need to be added to the additional import costs and inevitable delays.  All of these factors are of a major concern to all, not just growers, that import and rely heavily on containers coming in and out. 

The two big ticket items:



This is something we are unable to do without, we need fertiliser and growers will have to absorb these costs to maintain production and quality.   I would definitely be having the conversation, with your supplier, in regards to how much they advise you store.   If everyone goes out and bulk buys this could leave the industry in a precarious position where some growers may be short.  This is a delicate situation.



I’m aware of several properties, that generally change substrates annually, are having to re-use them for a second year, this is not ideal. In my opinion it will potentially have a negative impact on production, with increased root health issues towards the second half of the crop cycle (based on long crops).   I would definitely order substrates a minimum of eight months in advance, or else you may find you are growing for three seasons in the same substrates. 


 In conclusion:

Gains achieved by growers are already being swallowed up by other operational increases, if shipping issues are not addressed with urgency, this will be another cost to bear.



Article written and compiled by Stefan Vogrincic

All Article’s checked and edited by Marie Vogrincic

I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment on the grower2grower Facebook page:

Greenhouse News

Good news stories

Leaderbrand and SPL leading the way


I was pleased to see two positive news stories, this week, promoting the NZ protected cropping industry.   The first was a recent Country Calendar episode highlighting the country’s largest greenhouse capsicum producer Southern Paprika Limited (SPL), situated in Warkworth. 

SPL is one of the leaders and pioneers of large greenhouse farming within NZ. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the episode. Well done to all involved at SPL for opening their doors and for the superb content. 

The second article posted was in regards to the eleven-hectare greenhouse about to be built by Leaderbrand in the Gisborne area.  Again, this is another magnificent indictment on the benefits of protected cropping and the many different applications this farming can be used for.  


It has been a very difficult period to navigate with the uncertainty of the pandemic for everyone.  For growers the uncertainty around labour availability, the energy crisis, biosecurity breaches, the threat of covid temporarily shutting your operation down are real and current issues.  So, it was great these positive stories were in the mainstream media.  This is a great industry which should have a very bright future.


If you missed the SPL Country Calendar episode, click on the following link


To read more about the LeaderBrand construction click on the following link 



Article compiled by Stefan Vogrincic

All Article’s checked and edited by Marie Vogrincic

I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment on the grower2grower Facebook page:


The Future of High-Tech Horticulture, Compounds over Kilos

Cultivators Observe a Shift in Cannabis Compound Production instead of Production for Kilograms


Artcile supplied by Cultivators



With experience in the recreational and medicinal cannabis industry Cultivators observes a shift towards compound production instead of production for kilograms. Ensuring safe & sound ingredients is critical for cannabis growers. With this observation a multidisciplinary team of students from Wageningen University has been commissioned to interview stakeholders within the supply chain and perform a literature study. Their report investigated which cropping methods and crop strategies exist and can be used to steer for certain secondary metabolites, responding to the needs of cannabis buyers and consumers. This was done via the following questions:

  1. Which aspects of cannabis cultivation are currently being focussed on when steering and controlling for compounds?
  2. What opportunities for compound cannabis cultivation exist in other compound cultivated crops?
  3. What compound composition and plant structure in harvested cannabis is desirable for post-harvest processing industries in response to their needs?

Cultivation Methods

Cannabis sativa L. is mainly cultivated for its flowers. It is believed that in cannabis cultivation, the composition and concentration of these secondary metabolites (e.g. cannabinoids and terpenes) are more important than the overall yield. Cultivation methods that alter the growing environment have the potential to influence the composition and concentration of secondary metabolites. However, these correlations are not completely understood yet.

The concept of crop steering has become a popular topic in cannabis cultivation. For traditional crops where yield is of great interest, the focus in cannabis cultivation may shift to cultivation for compounds. Unfortunately, there is little information on cultivation steering in cannabis, leaving growers to rely on anecdotal information. This presents a challenge for both experienced and inexperienced growers to improve their knowledge on crop steering. Crop steering is the manipulation of the growing environment to influence e.g. hormonal levels within the plant which result in a desired plant structure and/or chemical profile. Crop steering utilizes cues that promote vegetative or generative growth through three main factors: Climate, root zone and crop architecture management. Steering vegetatively tends to be done through low electrical conductivity (EC), higher water content, lower VPD, lower temperatures, and lower light intensities. Steering generatively is obtained with more stressful environments through higher EC, lower water content, higher VPD, drought stress, higher temperatures, and higher light intensities.

The dry floral yield and cannabinoid concentration within C. sativa is mainly controlled through breeding and selection of phenotypes (Muntendam et al., 2012). Although the phenotype is largely determined by genetics, depending on the degree of plasticity, altering the environment allows for expression of different phenotypes (Fig. 1). When steering for compounds, the phenotypic expression traits of interest are mainly; cannabinoid profile, terpene profile, trichome size and density, and effects (medicinal or recreational). Control over phenotypic expression drives revenue, as the previously mentioned characteristics determine variables such as; active-compounds kW-1, extract-yield batch-1, operating-cost pound-1, trim-to-flower-ratio. Expression of phenotypic traits are mainly determined by ten parameters: light, temperature, airflow, temperature, nutrients, microbes, oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, humidity. Within cannabis different cultivation methods have shown to be effective in steering the cannabinoid concentration. Methods that have shown to be effective are lighting (Magagnini et al., 2018), fertilization (Bócsa et al., 1997; Caplan et al., 2017), substrate (Caplan et al., 2017), air temperature (Chandra et al., 2011; Latta & Eaton, 1975), and photoperiod (Potter, 2009).


Figure 1 The degrees of plasticity affect how environmental parameters influence the phenotype


Drought Stress

Controlled drought stress (dry-backs) overnight or between irrigation cycles (Fig. 2) can be a useful tool to enhance the production of secondary metabolites in oil-producing crops (Caplan et al., 2019). Utilizing the effect of dry-backs on secondary metabolites depends on the choice of appropriate growing substrate. Substrates can differ in their physical properties, substrates with a lower water holding capacity require more frequent irrigations to maintain stable water content compared to substrates with higher water-holding capacity (Raviv and Lieth, 2008; Zheng, 2016). Most greenhouse or indoor facilities where C. sativa is cultivated have soilless cultivation systems which use peat-based substrates or inert substrates such as stone wool (Farag and Kayser, 2015). Full control over water content within the substrate allows for controlled exposure to stress which might lead to an increased production of secondary metabolites within C. sativa (Caplan et al., 2018). Drought stress has shown to be a major stimulator of secondary metabolites in several herbaceous species (Baher et al., 2002; Bettaieb et al. 2009; Kleinwächter and Selmar, 2015). It has been shown that not only the concentration of secondary metabolites is increased by drought stress, but also a higher oil yield was observed (Bettaeib et al., 2009; Nowak et al., 2010). However, drought stress can also be associated with lower yields due to reduced rates of carbon assimilation resulting from stomatal and metabolic limitations (Chaves, 1991; Flexas et al., 2002). For this reason, it is important to apply the right timing and level of drought stress to minimize yield reduction while maximising secondary metabolite concentrations (Nakawuka et al. 2014).


Figure 2 Irrigation practices for applying controlled drought-stress during the dark period (source: Trym – Growers Guide to Crop Steering)


Flowering in C. sativa lasts between seven and twelve weeks depending on the cultivar and growing conditions (Potter, 2014). C. sativa inflorescences have been shown to increase in mass most during the first four to six weeks of flowering. For this reason, applying drought stress during the early stages of flowering would not be beneficial as yields could be negatively affected.



Many classic cultivation parameters (light quality, intensity, etc.) have been researched for cannabis cultivation. These cultivation methods have been widely applied but their effects have not been tested sufficiently. As cannabis is highly hybridized due to interspecific hybridization between subspecies different responses are seen between studies. In addition to cultivar differences, differences in parameters are seen in studies which are dedicated to light quality and intensity. Which makes comparing results a challenge. The effect of nutrient composition on secondary metabolism is a not well covered subject and seems to be currently dependent on the chosen cultivar, the substrate, and the plant’s development stage. Cultivation methods that allow for controlled stress, such as drought stress, might see future applications in steering for compounds. The cannabis industry is still quite new and more research on cannabis, standardization, and genomics is required. Cultivation specifically for compounds is an even newer field, and scientifically literature on this in the context of cannabis is more limited. To identify possible methods that could improve secondary metabolite concentration the next section investigates cultivation methods used in other crops.


Opportunity for cultivation for compounds in different crops

Cultivation for high secondary metabolite concentration has been the focus long before professionalization of the cannabis market. But recently, expertise entering the cannabis cultivation industry from different horticultural backgrounds has led to a more scientific approach in improving compound yields and overall quality.

Although some research has been focused on secondary metabolite content in other crops, the cannabis market can be seen as a leading crop for this. Other crops grown for compounds like for instance vanilla for flavor compounds, herbs grown for flavor or crops grown for medicinal are not yet focused on altering or selecting for specific compounds, and are currently only focused on establishing high yields, and quality is not specifically expressed in compound composition (Filip van Noort, Researcher Wageningen University & Research, personal communication).

The largest developments in research concerning cultivation methods in cannabis cultivation have been in optimizing growth conditions. Especially lighting (spectrum) has shown promising results in influencing the secondary metabolite pro-file in other crops (Manivannan et al., 2015; Ortega-Hernández et al., 2019; Shiga et al., 2009).


Connection between grower and processors

To provide an insight in the needs of different industries regarding cannabis cultivation, and more specifically compound based cannabis cultivation. Interviews were conducted with different players involved in the industry. Companies were approached in all representing sectors within the type cannabis industry: Hemp, recreational, wellness, medicinal and pharma and other players in the chain like growers, breeders and experts related to the field (Fig. 3). In this chapter we give an overall summary of their ideas on questions related to compound-based cannabis cultivation.


Figure 3 market overview cannabis industry



The requests of compound composition in cannabis (including hemp) are varying among the different industries.

The interviews were able to provide insights into different layers of the cannabis industry. Due to the time constraints of the project and the way the interviews were conducted, they can provide views from experts in the field, but not a universal truth for the industry. Further research should focus on large-scale questionnaires to get complete views.

In the pharmaceutical and medical cannabis industry, the desired compounds are determined by the effect upon the end-users. The composition of the compounds must be consistent and therefore a controlled and stable growing environment is required. If no scientific effect of individual cannabinoids or combinations of cannabinoids other than CBD and THC has been demonstrated, they are of no interest to this industry. However, the lack of intellectual property protection combined with the large investment that is needed makes it unlikely that clinical trials of cannabinoids will be conducted.

It seems that in the recreational cannabis industry, there is more room for cultivars that have a clear cannabinoid and terpene profile to respond to customers’ wishes. Due to the illegality of recreational cannabis cultivation in most countries, consistency of compositions is not given. Moreover, there is no standardized form of quality testing to guarantee a certain compound profile. These issues need to be addressed before individual compound profiles are sought.

In the wellness industry, the composition of compounds is currently not of foremost importance. However, if there is more regulation of CBD use and quality standards, this could change.


Discussion & Advice

Based on our interviews, it currently seems that there is no self-awareness and clear product requirements of processors, which makes it difficult for cultivators to comply to required quality standards. Therefore, we recommend to promote and enforce active communication between processors and growers by showing the mutual benefits in this relationship. This could happen by inviting both parties to a conference.

The interviewed experts agreed that secondary metabolite profile is determined by genotype and thus is mainly controlled by breeding rather than by the environment. However, once cultivation has been standardized, GACP and GMP have been established and consistent production is realised, implementation of cultivation methods to steer for compounds and improve quality can be implemented. Crop steering can potentially alter secondary metabolite composition. The most promising methods are light spectrum modification (UV-B, increased blue light), and controlled abiotic stress. These methods could further improve product quality and compound yields in the future.

The industry has not yet reached the stage where steering and controlling is applicable to compounds. In 5-10 years, when growers and processors are in active exchange, cultivation is standardised, methods for steering and controlling are scientifically proven, they could be applicable for high quality products. As long as this is not the case, we advise to:

  1. Establish communication between growers and processor to better identify areas of improvement.
  2. Focus on standardization and quality control to meet the needs of the processors and market.
  3. Cultivation methods that are most promising in improving product quality, in terms of compound content, are light spectrum modifications and application of controlled abiotic stress.


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